AI is NOT going away — is your job? Job creation or job loss? — Both

ONE YEAR AGO … in a universe not so far away… November 2022 was the month we got a digital shock awakening us to a new and challenging digital revolution. ChatGPT 3.5 came on the scene without warning on November 30 and altered our thoughts and feelings about generative artificial intelligence (GAI). Up to that point in time, we were blissfully unaware of GAI’s impact on our lives. We were using AI to direct us to places we wanted to go (Google Maps), play music we wanted to hear (Spotify), watch our favourite or proposed soon-to-be favourite shows (Netflix), and even vacuum our homes. These uses of AI were assisting us, not encroaching on how we work and play.

TWO WEEKS AGO … announced at OpenAI’s Developer Conference on November 6, 2023, Sam Altman (now with Microsoft since his termination from OpenAI on 11/17/2023) were a host of amazing new features and functions. Besides enhancing data currency from now to April 2023 (from January 2022), you can now effectively load your own data and create your own Chatbots with a feature known as GPTs. You can also directly upload data and analyze it with added ease. The price also dropped substantially for tokens which developers pay every time you access their Plugins or when they use in development. Note that the $20 per month subscription is still available at the same price but now includes a slew of new features.

I also received a message from our sponsor, the Future Forward Academy, for which my colleague, Dr. AnnaMaria Bliven, and I just published the definitive textbook and workbook for use in the career space within the past month. PLEASE register and join us for our Book Launch Party, 6:00 to 6:30 PM ET on Tuesday, 12/5. You can register directly at

Not only will we be sharing insights from the book and companion workbook, Living Your DREAM CAREER, but there will be fun, prizes, and insights shared on how to make these resources work for you and those you serve.

The article headline below reflects a Business Insider article that can be found at

As you can see from the headlines of the article, the way we work and process our work tasks must change, or we will potentially become irrelevant in this evolving digital workforce. This is why the advent of GAI, in all its different forms and programs, is both job creation and job loss. However, your approach to this digital revolution determines your occupational future, not just your occupational future, but also the future of your colleagues/students/clients/constituents.

As career professionals and/or caring parents, friends, and coworkers, we have the opportunity and privilege of working to provide input and help map out careers that best fit the needs of others while teaching the skill of using GAI. This teaching is applicable to seeking, finding, and applying for a job, and for learning to incorporate the use of AI in work tasks too.

Shortly after the advent of ChatGPT 3.5 came a myriad of AI technologies for just about every type of creative work. These categories include music, art, graphic design, marketing copy and campaigns in addition to career exploration and search preparation. Are you taking advantage of these AI technologies? If not, you might want to make a concerted effort to take advantage of technology that can 10X your on-the-job performance and change your work forever.

AI is here to stay and continues to evolve rapidly. If you thought ChatGPT-3.5 and GPT-4 were something to be concerned about, see what is on the horizon and likely to happen within five years.

If this information seems overwhelming, it is! Human beings have believed in their own way of thinking and doing things for centuries. We are now in the throes of opportunities and challenges on many fronts. Career-wise, how do we maintain our relevance and those of our colleagues in an ever-changing, ever-evolving generative AI?

Imagine having your own AI personal assistant. Consider the likes of Alexis, Siri, and Google, where you are able to summon it to do whatever you need beyond playing music, directing you, and the hours of operation of a store or restaurant. Within the next five years, your personal AI assistant (PVA-Personal Virtual Assistant) will be available via an earbud or special glasses and will take the place of manually doing an internet search, writing an email message, sending a text message, setting appointments, purchase concert or plane tickets.

Can you imagine how this will affect work and how you perform work tasks? How about the impact on one’s career and the people who do the hiring? Not only did AI replace a multitude of jobs in 2023, but there are a bunch more career opportunities about to disappear…or be created.

Are you beginning to sense the importance of getting more involved in AI technology for your future career and the careers of those around you?

We need to watch this AI evolution and revolution very closely. Burying our heads in the sand will not be productive or conducive to future success in virtually any field. Staying current is no longer a choice but a requirement.

AI Tools for Career Professionals

There are many AI tools to use as a career professional. We encourage you to test them and see which one fits you and your student/client/constituent. Here are a series of AI tools that you can access directly. The first four reflect the mainstream Large Language Model tools and all have free versions for you to use and explore. Personally, I also love using (which includes citations/references) and Grammarly (which I require to be used in all my academic classes). Use the links below to explore these tools:

The following AI tools represent additional powerful tools that are available quickly.

AI Techniques for Career Professionals

At some point, we all become prompt engineers when approaching ChatGPT-3.5 or GPT-4. What this means is that we need to know how to write the prompts needed to get the right output. This takes time and practice. Actually, daily practice is one of the best things you can do to gain experience with this technology.

Feel free to reach out directly if you want to learn more about two methodologies that I use with my clients and colleagues to design powerful prompts. They are called the D-R-S-C-O-T-T-D and R-STAR-C methods. It IS all about the prompt.

Let’s see what GPT-4 has to say about prompting.

Prompt: You are an artificial intelligence professional and an expert in prompt engineering. You are trying to explain the best methods for designing prompts to get the best results from GPT-3.5 or GPT-4. Please provide the best tips and tricks for developing effective prompts.

Creating effective prompts for GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 involves understanding how these AI models process and generate responses. Here are some best practices for designing prompts to get the best results:

  1. Be Specific and Clear: Provide detailed information in your prompt. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to get a relevant and accurate response. For instance, instead of asking, “Tell me about dogs,” ask, “Can you explain the differences between Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers?”
  2. Provide Context: Context is crucial for AI to understand the prompt better. Include relevant background information. For example, if you’re asking for advice on a technical issue, briefly describe the problem’s context.
  3. Use Direct Language: Avoid ambiguity and be direct in your questions or statements. This helps the model understand exactly what you’re asking.
  4. Structure Your Prompt: Organize your prompt logically. If you’re asking multiple questions, number them or break them into separate paragraphs. This helps the AI to address each part of your prompt effectively.
  5. Set the Tone and Style: If you have a preference for the tone or style of the response (e.g., formal, casual, humorous), mention it in your prompt.
  6. Limitations Acknowledgement: Understand and acknowledge the limitations of the AI. Avoid overly complex, subjective, or opinion-based questions that the AI might not be able to answer accurately.
  7. Iterative Prompting: If the first response doesn’t fully answer your question, refine your prompt and try again. Iterative prompting can help zero in on the information you’re seeking.
  8. Use Examples: If you’re looking for creative content, provide examples or describe the kind of output you’re expecting. For instance, “Write a short story in the style of a fairy tale” is more specific than just asking for a story.
  9. Prompt Length: While longer prompts can provide more context, they should be concise enough to maintain focus. Avoid overly verbose prompts that might confuse the model.
  10. Feedback Loop: Use the AI’s responses to refine your prompts. If a response is off-target, adjust your prompt to guide the AI in the right direction.
  11. Ethical Considerations: Be mindful of ethical considerations. Avoid prompts that could lead to harmful, biased, or inappropriate content.
  12. Creative Use of Constraints: If you’re looking for creative outputs, sometimes providing constraints can lead to more interesting results. For example, “Write a poem about the sea, using only four-line stanzas.”

Remember, prompt engineering is part art and part science. It often requires experimentation and tweaking to achieve the best results.

Prompt: Of the above 12 items, please go into more depth about point 4.

Certainly! Expanding on point 4, “Structure Your Prompt” involves organizing the information in your prompt in a way that guides the AI model (like GPT-3.5 or GPT-4) to understand and respond accurately and effectively. Here’s a deeper look at how to structure prompts:

Why Prompt Structure Matters

  • Clarity: A well-structured prompt helps in delineating your questions or statements clearly, making it easier for the AI to identify and address each part.
  • Efficiency: Structured prompts can lead to more direct and relevant answers, saving time and reducing the need for follow-up queries.
  • Context Maintenance: Good structure helps in maintaining the flow of context, especially in complex or multi-part questions.

Components of a Well-Structured Prompt

  1. Introduction/Background: Start with a brief introduction if the prompt requires context. For example, if you’re asking for advice on a technical problem, give a concise background of the issue.
  2. Main Content: This is the core of your prompt. Ordering Information: Present the information in a logical order. If there are multiple questions or topics, consider ordering them from general to specific or in a sequence that makes logical sense. Paragraphs and Bullet Points: Use paragraphs to separate different ideas or questions. Bullet points can be useful for listing items or questions, making it easier for the AI to respond to each point individually. Numbered Questions: If you have several questions, number them. This signals to the AI that these are separate items to address.
  3. Specific Requests: If you have specific requirements (like the tone or format of the response), state them clearly at the end of the prompt or where most relevant.
  4. Closing: If your prompt is extensive, a brief closing statement can help to summarize or reiterate the main request.

Examples of Structured Prompts

  • For Information Gathering:

Background: I’m researching solar energy systems. Questions: 1. What are the main types of solar panels available? 2. How does the efficiency of these types compare? 3. What are the average costs?

  • For Creative Tasks:

Write a short story about a space adventure. Requirements: – The protagonist is a young astronaut. – Include a twist involving an alien encounter. – The story should have a humorous tone. – Please keep it under 500 words.

Tips for Structuring Complex Prompts

  • Break Down Complex Ideas: If you have a complex idea, break it down into simpler, more manageable parts.
  • Use Sequential Flow: For prompts that involve processes or steps (like coding or recipes), present the steps in the order they should be followed.
  • Feedback Integration: If the prompt is a follow-up or based on previous responses, integrate the feedback or corrections clearly.

Final Thoughts

A well-structured prompt is like a roadmap for the AI, guiding it to understand and respond appropriately. It’s particularly important for complex inquiries or when precision is crucial. Experiment with different structures to see what works best for your specific needs.

Prompt: If I were to emphasize one point in creating effective prompts, what would that be?

If you were to emphasize one key point in creating effective prompts for AI models like GPT-3.5 or GPT-4, it would be clarity. Being clear and specific in your prompt is paramount. This includes explicitly stating what you want the AI to do or the information you seek.

Why Clarity is Crucial:

  1. Direct Guidance: Clear prompts guide the AI more effectively, leading to responses that are more aligned with your expectations.
  2. Avoiding Ambiguity: Vague or ambiguous prompts can lead to irrelevant, off-target, or overly broad responses. Clarity helps the AI to understand the exact nature of your request.
  3. Efficiency: Clear prompts often result in getting the desired information or output in fewer interactions, saving time and reducing the need for follow-up questions.
  4. Contextual Accuracy: When your prompt is clear, the AI can better leverage its understanding of context, leading to more accurate and relevant responses.

How to Ensure Clarity:

  • Be Specific: Use specific terms and details rather than general ones. For example, instead of asking, “How do I fix a device?” specify the type of device and the issue you are facing.
  • Direct Language: Use direct and straightforward language. Avoid using metaphors or idiomatic expressions that could be misinterpreted.
  • Single Focus: Try to focus on one main idea or question per prompt. If multiple questions are involved, separate them clearly.
  • Define Your Expectations: If there’s a specific format, style, or type of information you need, state it clearly in the prompt.
  • Relevance: Include only relevant information. Extraneous details can confuse the AI.

By focusing on clarity, you help the AI to understand and respond to your prompts more effectively, leading to better and more useful interactions.

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And don’t forget to register for our Book Launch Party, 6:00 to 6:30 PM ET on Tuesday, 12/5. Register directly at

I hope you enjoyed this edition. May we continue to Learn, Share, and grow together in these interesting times!

A Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. colleagues!

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